This morning when checking my email I found a mail, which he called "seminar with Laura Gutman" and whenever I read something like "when will the day I visited Mexico" and begin to read my disbelief reached its highest level as that of emotion and as this happened I ran to open the blog and devote an entry to the email.
Moms, Women, Friends!
I beg of the most respectful manner that they pass through this blog copying the content of what then paste and re-send their Mexican contacts. or send us the information to their blogs, forums and networks, this in order to make it even more palpable the possibility that Laura Gutman arrival in Mexico.
This is the email:
Hello everyone
In this way, we communicate the possibility that a second time, be held in Mexico a seminar / workshop with family psychotherapist Argentina, Laura Gutman, author of "Motherhood and the encounter with its own shadow", etc. books.
If the seminar is of interest, the more attentive, ask them to answer the following questions (to the same email address no later than next July 3):
* Full Name
* Hometown
* Profession
* Current Occupation
Books L. Read Gutman
* What are you most interested in a seminar with L. Gutman?
above is able to transmit the remaining data of the seminar, such as completion date, venue, issues and costs.
also ask to send this message to whomever might be interested, to answer the questionnaire and send it to: riveragabriela01@yahoo.com.mx.
If not interested, also would be worthwhile let me know, to have a database of more attendees accurate and not clutter your e-mail accounts with messages related to this issue.
If you require more information, just as can be found on page www.crianza.com.ar
I appreciate all your attentions.
Gabriela Rivera organized the first weekly
with Laura Gutman in Mexico
Well and only for those who do not know Laura Gutman or have no doubt about it leave the link of your personal page where I invite you to explore the section of books and articles will be surprised
As a side note, Laura Gutman does not come to Mexico for lack of enthusiasm if not for lack of demand to see, very few people know his work: (