Friday, January 16, 2009


Ablactation Happy Dreams: WHO recommendations

The current WHO recommendation is that the feeding of foods other than breast milk starts from 6 months, when the infant is ready for solid foods (with spoon) and has exhausted your iron stores. Know that it is prepared because:

• Remains sitting using

• Gone is the extrusion reflex (stick out their tongues and pass the food)

• Expresses interest in other foods

• Displays hunger and satiety with gestures

to that age children do not need any other cosa.Se recommends:
• Introduce one new food every 3-4 days in order to assess the appearance of intolerance or allergies.

• Respect the child's appetite. During the first year of life, is preferable to give the breast first and then food supplement breast milk ("complementary").

• Offer foods from the area and according to family tastes, gradually introducing a varied and enjoyable diet.

• Although it is important that food is offered first, it is advisable to offer the earliest iron-containing foods: meat first, fish at 9-10 months.

• Avoid gluten before 7-8 months (cereals with wheat, barley, rye or oats). It is best to introduce it in small quantities while breastfeeding continues.

• Avoid food allergens (cow's milk, soy, egg, nuts) before 12 months. Nuts, not ground, should not be given before 6-7 years, due to the risk of choking that can be severe.

• Avoid the top foods that can contain many nitrates (beets, spinach, carrot) cabbage, turnips and asparagus.

• You should not add salt or sugar to baby food during the first year. Then it is convenient to use small amounts of iodized salt.

• You can add the pureed vegetables a little olive oil.

• Food can be offered initially shredded and sliced \u200b\u200bor squashed from 8 months.

• Grains can be prepared breast milk, water or broth, or add to the porridge. It is not necessary fed with artificial milk. Rice and maize do not contain gluten.

• Let the child "experience" to eat first with your fingers, then with a spoon ...

• It's a good idea that your child eats at the table with all the food is a social act and the child can see and learn

• As your baby makes about 4 breastfeeds, not need other dairy foods such as yogurt, cheese or other milk in mashed or pureed.

• It makes no sense introducing more porridge to sleep, nor introducing other foods before the child time to be "used" before your mother starts to work. The introduction of food before 6 months can cause allergies and intolerances.


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