week in honor of International Babywearing related items will
- The intimacy between mother and child is much higher. The maternal instinct is based on a number of hormones (such as prolactin and oxytocin) to be stimulated quite often (about every 20 minutes). The continued presence of the baby makes the biological system to remain alert and active. The higher and stable the hormonal level, the easier it is the upbringing, and feel safer because they know better mother to her daughter.
- helps the communication between the two is better because the mother is more aware easily from the baby's needs. So, can anticipate the demands of the baby before he makes the request.
- Remembering the baby when she was feeling in the stomach, reduce your stress and feel more protected.
- Babies cry a lot less and are less nervous. According to Pediatrics, a reduction of 43% during the day and 51% at night.
- more easily and sleep longer.
- have a rate less cramping and vomiting.
- arms loaded Children tend to be more independent and have greater self-esteem because their needs have been covered without delay.
- Premature babies walking in arms, have a lower mortality rate. It also called kangaroo care.
- is more convenient for parents when performing their normal duties, both at home and outside (often also because of architectural barriers that prevent travel with the stroller).
- The swing and movement stimulation increases neuronal development. The vestibular system is responsible for balance and, for example, can keep staring as we walk or jump. Is very sensitive in the newborn and a fetus that was constantly in motion, and stimulating, is considered as one of the best ways to
- the baby feel loved, secure and confident.
- When adults talk to other adults, the baby may be part of the conversation, increasing their opportunities for socialization and learning to listen. The baby is more involved in the world around him. The proximity to the wearer increases the interaction with him and others because it participates in what they are doing their parents, helping to promote self-esteem.
- Use a sling, breastfeeding makes it very easy and discreet.
- Losing less energy to apply crying or just needs to calm down, you can invest in learning from their environment and enhance their development. With the sling can choose to look at your carrier or anywhere in 180 degrees. Thus, the ability to choose improves learning.
- As the baby's life is much richer if carried by their parents, their neural connections will be more accurate and adapted to the environment it experiences. Situations that might seem dangerous if you were alone in a crib, cease to be if you notice your carrier if it is calm or quiet him immediately.
- Postpartum depression is detected much less in mothers who bring their children. The frequent hormonal stimulation to carry the baby cause, allows the mother has a high and consistent level of hormones that soothe.
- If, in spite of carrying your baby, he cries a lot, do not think you've failed as a mother, think that maybe cry more if we fail. Their behavior may be due more to his temper than to what you can do.
- Carrying your baby becomes your way of thinking about it more focused on not on yourself. By better understanding your child you're more sure of your decisions. You know you do not need the latest model of stroller or the most sophisticated equipment known or soothe your baby. Need a few toys that encourage your life because your hand and offers many and varied experiences. -------- Thanks for subscribing
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