Breastfeeding protects babies against this form of flu because the nursing mothers pass protective antibodies to their babies.
Antibodies are a type of protein produced by the immune system and help fight infection.
This is very important for young babies whose immune systems are still developing . Breastfeeding also helps the baby to create his own ability to fight infections.
No other milk, and no other food, contain antibodies .
Influenza A can be very serious for young babies. Babies fed with formula get sick more often and more severely than breastfed babies.
If the mother is sick with influenza A, should not stop breastfeeding. If the status of the mother prevents you from feeding your baby directly, you can express milk and acer someone give it to her baby. Breastfeeding mothers can and should continue to do so while receiving medication against influenza A.
If the baby is sick, it is best to continue breastfeeding, offering the breast more followed for the disease. Sick babies need more fluids than when are healthy. Breast milk is better than any other liquid, even better than water,
because it also helps strengthen your immune system protect.
If the baby is so sick you can not breastfeed, you can breast milk in a cup, syringe or dropper.
Babies under 6 months should be breastfed exclusively , continuing until two years or more, while adding other foods.
Other care:
Wash hands often with soap and not cough or sneeze into your baby's face while it is feeding or at any other time. If the caregiver is sick, coughing or sneezing is suggested to use a mask.
LLL Argentina
information and support breastfeeding
0810-321-8382 (TETA)
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