so clear and so true, in our hands to build and strengthen self-esteem of our children, but not just about tell you how much we love him, but also demonstrated by our actions.
That which we
Laura Gutman - Newsletter September 2009
Children believe in parents. When I say over and over that they are sorcerers, who are the princes and princesses of the house, are handsome, smart, intelligent and funny, become that which we say they are. By contrast, when we tell them they are fools, liars, bad, selfish or distracted, obviously responding to the mandates and act as such. That, or parents who take care of raising- say, constitutes the most solid child's identity.
Children have more virtues than others. However, the child looked insufficiently , pampered, and taken into account bespoken by their parents, give greater credence to their disabilities. And suffer. Instead, the child looked at and admired by his parents, loved by loving acts everyday, will have a self-confidence that will allow erected on its greatest virtues and laugh while their difficulties.
If we realize that our children suffer, if they have low self-esteem if they are ashamed, if you feel bad athletes, poor students, or do not fall short of the circumstances, if they can not talk, socialize, play with others, if assumed to be slow, or are victims of ridicule from their peers, for us to drive for them right now . The worst thing we could do is required to bear alone problems.
We can name those virtues, resources or skills that child does have as an individual. For example, a child who always tells the truth. That would never betray a friend. That is incapable of hurting another. He observes and understands the suffering. That is generous and tolerant. Tell the children that are beautiful, loved, welcomed, adored, noble, beautiful, who are the light of our eyes and the joy of our heart and generates children safe, happy and wise. It is possible that the pretty words do not appear in our vocabulary, because we have never heard in our childhood . In that case, we have to learn. If we do this work now, our children, to become parents, will not have to take this lesson. Arise because of his heart quite naturally, the most beautiful words and phrases most rewarding for their children. And these strings of words of love be perpetuated for generations, without which our grandchildren and great repair them because they will make part of their way to be genuine. Consider it an investment in the future with zero risk. From now on ... just words of love for our children! Yell to the wind that we love to heaven. And higher still. And more and more.
Extract from an article book Women visible, invisible mothers "by Laura Gutman
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