Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Fréquence De Channel De Sport
Affected Platform ELA is conducting a campaign of visibility of this disease: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
The Why this campaign: "What is not, not exist."
ALS, outside medical circles, is a disease unknown to society. Not for Multiple Sclerosis, thanks to good work of the Associations of Sick, who more or less who ever heard of it.
However, ALS is about as frequent as the disease, but remains "hidden" as one of those "rare diseases."
"What is the difference? That patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) can live for many years and we die soon." Says the note published this day in the Digital Journal Henares.
http://www MORE INFORMATION . /
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
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the PDF file and refer to electronic mode or print on paper and share it with those who do not have access to the Internet.
printing editing MS in focus circulates only in English, and is delivered by mail throughout the world, but the electronic version when produced in different languages.
At the last meeting and workshop of the International Committee People with MS who had in Chicago on October 31, we request you consider printing the magazine in English and is mailed to English-speaking countries.
In Latin America need to know more about multiple sclerosis and MS in focus is a major effort by the MSIF to make this possible.
at number 14, devoted to the types of multiple sclerosis, you will find:
- Introduction to the types of MS disease
- relapsing-remitting MS
- primary progressive MS
- progressive MS secondary
- Extreme cases of MS: benign and aggressive forms
- clinically isolated syndrome
- Answers
- Poll Results
- Help for people newly diagnosed
- Interview with James West
-------------------- English
The number of MS in focus 14 , the disease courses in MS, is now available. Click here to download the file:
The contents of MS in focus is based on the knowledge and experience. The publisher and authors are striving to provide current and relevant. Maybe the opinions and ideas expressed do not match those of the MSIF. The information provided by MS in focus is not intended to substitute for the advice, prescriptions or recommendations from doctors or other health care. For specific information and personalized, consult your health care service. MSIF does not approve, endorse or recommend any specific product or service, but provides information to help people take their own decisions.The next issue of MS in focus will be on complementary and alternative therapies for MS.
Back issues are available printed or downloaded from the website of MSIF.
- No. 1 How to combat fatigue
- No. 2 Special: How to combat bladder problems
- No. 3 edition devoted to the family
- No. 4 Aspects emotional and cognitive
- No. 5 Healthy Living
- No. 6 Intimacy and Sexuality
- No. 7 Rehabilitation
- No. 8 Genetics and inheritance of MS
- No. 9 EM and care
- No. 10 Pain and MS
- No. 11 Stem cells and Remyelination in MS
- No. 12 Spasticity in MS
- No. 13 Tremor and ataxia in MS
MVZ Hector M. García Caballero
Executive Committee Member and Representative of Mexico to the International Committee
of People with Multiple Sclerosis (PwMSIC / MSIF) Multiple Sclerosis International Federation
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Shoulder Pain After Laproscopic

And just want to publish an invitation to a symposium to discuss developments in treatment, and importance of adhering to medical indications.
On Saturday November 28, 2009, the Hotel María Isabel Sheraton (Paseo de la Reforma 325, Col. Cuauhtémoc, Mexico City) will be held the symposium "Redefining the Course of Multiple Sclerosis" .
is an open event at no cost, only need to confirm attendance.
And for those who wish to attend from Cuernavaca, the organizer shall provide transportation for our association FOR LOVE ZOE.
The lectures will be conducted by specialists Carlos Cuevas Garcia, chief of Neurology, Hospital de Especialidades, National Medical Center "Siglo XXI", José de Jesús Flores Rivera, the Multiple Sclerosis Clinic of the National Institute Neurology and Neurosurgery, and Leonardo López Llamas, Neurology Service the ISSSTE Guadalajara, Jalisco.

IMAGE: Agenda of 28 November 2009, Symposia programmed by Stendhal.
then offered a box lunch to the attendees, and the afternoon will be two workshops: one on nutrition and the second called "laughter yoga."
"Laughter Yoga" is a workshop facilitated by a person with MS, Karla Oseguera, who has worked this activity in previous symposia in Zacatecas, Guadalajara and Campeche.
We will be happy to find there friends and family members, caregivers.
treat multiple sclerosis?
I think it's a common question in those who live with MS or who are close to us.
I have also received messages with the doubt if I know someone-data in the world has recovered from multiple sclerosis.
And no, I know someone who reliably been removed from your body all symptoms caused by MS, although there may be remyelination or reverse some damage but that it disappeared and multiple sclerosis, no.
Questions like: What could I have done that provoked me MS? Have I been a warning I ignored? Could I have prevented it? "I do not care enough? And a long list of questions my thoughts were about the early years of the disease, but the most pressing concern was that I be able to recover?
When my diagnosis in 1989-after six years after the first outbreak had sent me one month to the hospital, there were no specific drugs to treat multiple sclerosis, and then in the 90s to get to Mexico Interferon Beta, expectations were almost sensed it was not really secure the future.
The boom beta interferon
In the 90's, through patient associations (there were many) was sought "to encourage "people to accept or request the application of interferon in treatment.
And told me a doctor who was diagnosed nearly 30 years ago, he could have chosen to inject interferon beta, but decided against it.
PHOTO: Patients, family members, caregivers and health professionals at a conference.
More than 15 years later, this person, whose only sequel obvious is the need to use a cane to walk, agreed to try the treatment, but ... He believes that the side effects were much more annoying than the overall state where he has lived all these years. Decided to discontinue the injections after one month trial.
Cases like this have read and heard many: people who stop or not followed to the letter, or simply do not believe in it, people may have periods of stability or improvement temporary and believe that drugs would not have done differently during the course of the disease.
I differ on these findings, and instead-or overestimated appreciate being informed of the medications available to treat multiple sclerosis.
Why have I taken pharmacology!
I am interested because I want to know what I'm putting in my body, which is expected to do in my body, how long and with what chances of success.
PHOTO: Commercial Exhibition Area at the Fourth National Multiple Sclerosis 2009.
And if a new product on the market, even if it is not recommended in my personal condition, secondary progressive MS with 26 years of evolution, "I know all the information.
the pharmaceutical and medical marketers, know this, and people with multiple sclerosis, we facilitate learning: it is common to receive invitations to breakfasts, lectures, presentations as specialized neurologists and / or researchers answer our questions related to MS and its treatments.
is valuable for people with MS receive this information, learn and build knowledge.
Scientific Research and the pharmaceutical industry
One of the global efforts in the fight against MS is to promote medical research and work tirelessly to find the cause etiologic and cure, but in that interval that science requires, must obviously improved therapeutic options.
IMAGE: Cartel "Redefining the course of MS."
The Multiple Sclerosis International Federation (MSIF), whose international committee of people with MS I am part, has programs and activities designed to promote, monitor and disseminate research advances and protocols related to multiple sclerosis.
care that requires a person with MS is integral, physical rehabilitation, psychological support, nutrition, behavior change and adaptation of activities, but the quality of life is to combine all that with specialized medical treatment. The neurological consultation and medication (pharmaceutical) indicated to treat multiple sclerosis, have shown positive results provide a better life expectancy.
The transnational corporations involved in drugs, investing millions in developing specific drugs for multiple sclerosis, and in 20 years we have seen the growth of a range of options that began with the onset of interferon beta.
followed Glatiramer acetate, whose use has spread and become popular in many countries, but now there are new and better? alternatives for Neurologists doctors prescribe to their patients.
And while the Beta Interferon and Glatiramer Acetate have shown effectiveness in a 30 percent relapse, monoclonal antibodies, which have passed testing and approval in several countries reported 68 percent reduction of relapses.
PHOTO: rehabilitation workshop during the National Meeting in Puebla.
Data cold statistics result can mean something to some people, others may not say anything or even feel like they know these figures,
but ...
if these comments and explains the points directly to a specialist who has experience treating patients with credits in the area of \u200b\u200bmultiple sclerosis, and having investigated the matter, the result is definitely more useful.
have access to first hand information and state our concerns, which does not express time-consultation, get answers and learn about our disease, it is always good.