IMAGE: home MS in focus number 14
can the PDF file and refer to electronic mode or print on paper and share it with those who do not have access to the Internet.
printing editing MS in focus circulates only in English, and is delivered by mail throughout the world, but the electronic version when produced in different languages.
At the last meeting and workshop of the International Committee People with MS who had in Chicago on October 31, we request you consider printing the magazine in English and is mailed to English-speaking countries.
In Latin America need to know more about multiple sclerosis and MS in focus is a major effort by the MSIF to make this possible.
at number 14, devoted to the types of multiple sclerosis, you will find:
- Introduction to the types of MS disease
- relapsing-remitting MS
- primary progressive MS
- progressive MS secondary
- Extreme cases of MS: benign and aggressive forms
- clinically isolated syndrome
- Answers
- Poll Results
- Help for people newly diagnosed
- Interview with James West
-------------------- English
The number of MS in focus 14 , the disease courses in MS, is now available. Click here to download the file: http://www.msif.org/es/publications/ms_in_focus/index.html
The contents of MS in focus is based on the knowledge and experience. The publisher and authors are striving to provide current and relevant. Maybe the opinions and ideas expressed do not match those of the MSIF. The information provided by MS in focus is not intended to substitute for the advice, prescriptions or recommendations from doctors or other health care. For specific information and personalized, consult your health care service. MSIF does not approve, endorse or recommend any specific product or service, but provides information to help people take their own decisions.The next issue of MS in focus will be on complementary and alternative therapies for MS.
Back issues are available printed or downloaded from the website of MSIF.
- No. 1 How to combat fatigue
- No. 2 Special: How to combat bladder problems
- No. 3 edition devoted to the family
- No. 4 Aspects emotional and cognitive
- No. 5 Healthy Living
- No. 6 Intimacy and Sexuality
- No. 7 Rehabilitation
- No. 8 Genetics and inheritance of MS
- No. 9 EM and care
- No. 10 Pain and MS
- No. 11 Stem cells and Remyelination in MS
- No. 12 Spasticity in MS
- No. 13 Tremor and ataxia in MS
MVZ Hector M. García Caballero
Executive Committee Member and Representative of Mexico to the International Committee
of People with Multiple Sclerosis (PwMSIC / MSIF) Multiple Sclerosis International Federation
@: drhectorgc@gmail.com
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