PHOTO: Reni de Boer and Hector Garcia Caballero, in Chicago, during the Meeting of the International Committee of People with MS Multiple (November 2009)
December 10 Today is the International Day of Human Rights, but I'm not lecturing on the subject or pretend to discover the "black thread" and just tell them about my personal experiences.
Many people receive my emails and perhaps do not know why. Some perhaps this is the first time I found a message sender.
But I'm a real man with no intention of breaking into their mailboxes, and have always insisted that I do not advertise or strings: in my blog write-aided My wife Ana Silvia-on topics or issues that move me to say or that are meaningful to me .

PHOTO: Reni and I, during a reception for delegates from 21 countries attended the meeting of the MSIF in Chicago.
Reni, who, with all due respect to her husband is distinctly beautiful, said while participating in the competition that she wanted to win because he had "something to say," and the title by which competed-and won-the became Miss Netherlands (Dis) Empowered and Ambassador spokesperson for people with disabilities during the year of his reign.
Now in its personal Web sites, it is presented as Speaker of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
Photo: Illustrative image IFAT a stop sign.
I, for one, would not win a beauty contest, but I got (also in 2007) draw attention to the rights of persons with disabilities when the disability comes at an early age and lost opportunities as fundamental to humans as work, education, the right to health, family life and, of course, non-discrimination. During a public consultation forum organized by the Human Rights Commission of the Federal District, was read my testimony, which spoke of my professional status with multiple sclerosis (EM), and how gradually my limbs were paralyzed since he was 20 years (now I have 46), to become totally dependent on a person physically and economically.

Despite having a college degree and my medical knowledge in my collection intact cognitive, I am unable to because Mexico is unlikely to exercise almost no facilities for people with disabilities have the quality of life to which we aspire.
this issue that led to a public forum allowed me to meet two men who are committed and determined to devote his work for the respect of human rights in Mexico: Emilio Alvarez Icaza Longoria and Ricardo Bucio Mujica. A two-
Ricardo Emilio and I want to mention in my blog in recent weeks, first by the appointment of president of the National Human Rights Commission and then the International Day of Disabled Persons (3 December) but only now comes the mention and I wish to publicly recognize and congratulate Ricardo Bucio on his recent appointment as president of Conapred (National Council to Prevent Discrimination.)
But back to the mention of Reni.
I was in Chicago from October 30 to November 5, 2009 to fulfill two tasks: participating in meetings Fall MSIF (Multiple Sclerosis International Federation) and the opening of the Meeting Leadership of the National MS Society (National Multiple Sclerosis Association in the U.S.).

Stand: Martin Stevens (England), Peer Baneke (MSIF CEO), Torben Damsgaard (Denmark), Ma Elena Moscoso (Cuba), Mario Battaglia (Italy), Allen O'Connor (Ireland), Ole Busck (Denmark), Nymph Monarres (Mexico), Antonello Moretti (Italy), Kent Andersson (Sweden), Daniel Bruni (France) André Lespérance (Canada), Ali Hijjawi (Palestine), Ellen Boyd (USA), Jim Wolfgang (Canada), Sarah Phillips (England).
Front: Margarita Ruiz (Cuba), Pia Marks (Germany), Hector Garcia (Mexico), Irene Jensen (Denmark), Guy De Vos and Charles van der Starter Waillet (Belgium), Karel Cablik Hrkal and Svatopluk (Czech Republic) .
The MSIF meetings, the first day of work was set aside to develop a workshop for people with MS in which one of the topics discussed was the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and in accordance with the original program, the speakers would be Reni de Boer and me.
I was really worried by this invitation that I was an honor but also a great responsibility, because my understanding and expression English when I'm in public get a little hazy. I am overwhelmed by stage fright and my voice starts to get low and pauses in breathing (just as the friend of Malcolm in the middle). And although it has happened to me when I speak English to a group, it was a fear that persisted since receiving the program. I could not confirm
my participation in Chicago (just warned about 10 days before the date) because they did not have the funding to cover the expenses ... and my participation as a speaker was canceled, though, thanks to generous contributions from two Mexican companies, yes I went to Chicago to meet a member of the Executive Committee.

Saturday 31 October Reni Chicago made a brilliant exposition on the importance of fighting for respect for human rights of persons with disabilities.
From his position as Ambassador disabled, Reni has used the window that gave her beauty but wonderfully enhanced by the intelligence and charisma that has to attract attention and motivate the talk multiple sclerosis and human rights on the world stage.
found on the Internet a video dedicated to two neurological diseases: MS and Parkinson's disease, and to talk about life with MS includes a full report on the daily life and treatment Reni leading.
Although the video is in Dutch , the images speak for themselves and invite you to see, because I am confident that you will understand through empathy surely have experienced many who have MS when see or hear from others living with an incurable but with profound respect for life.
In the video we get to know the life of Reni, who changed their field of study of a proprietary technique to study art and focus on writing, "we share images of your wedding and even their monthly visit to the hospital where you apply the medicine that has strengthened the legs and helps treat MS.

As a person with multiple sclerosis, people with disabilities, head of household, and many other roles in which I can identify fully convinces me the struggle for human rights respect and sympathy and it is continued pugno work towards them.
"Liberty, Equality, Fraternity", the highest French, I find more than adequate to be hoisted as a flag and fight those who live with an incurable disease and we have a better quality of life.
Thanks to those who follow my posts, who visit my blog, to whom I write.
awaiting answers I have emails, messages waiting to write, some very important even other painful or emotional, but little by little. I
A brief summary of pending posts, that I serve as a reminder and you know what I have in mind:
- Again on Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) disease I do not suffer and that a previous message was in doubt but who does the suffering and in a few years has become a beloved companion is Faivel Polichuk, and he will dedicate the post about ALS.
And many outstanding:
IMAGE: Red Ribbon, a symbol of the fight against AIDS.
On the Day of the Fight against AIDS, a post dedicated to the Eudes Foundation, which makes a work of helping people with HIV, and in particular has supported me for a year with food supplements.
Incidentally talk a little about a woman also amazing, Dr. Maria Eugenia Sordo and People to People, the organization that is a member.
- On the International Women's Day, for those women living with multiple sclerosis, and in a special way for my mother Ana Maria, from another country has given us a very valuable gift and spiritual she became a volunteer for an association to help people with disabilities, "to support other, symbolically supporting me.
- For gub supports people ernamentales with disabilities who wish to undertake a production project, pending the text entitled "The Czar of the custard."
PHOTO: Ruben Hernandez, president and founder of UDLA, (center of the group, red sweater), and next, my mother Ana Maria (short hair, denim jacket) along with other members UDLA and volunteers.
On the Day of Persons with Disabilities, will discuss UDLA, the Union of Disabled Latin Americans and their participation in the Los Angeles Marathon.
- on national and regional meetings of multiple sclerosis.
- On the details of my marriage.
- On those who are gone, this year has been particularly hard on those issues.
- For my 46th birthday and the story of my tree.
PHOTO: Picture alluding to Thanksgiving Day.
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