And on the eighth day ...
... God created special children ... and saw it was good to create angels also dedicated to caring for these children ...
... and I think Marilu God ...
Today, Marilu has returned to its original shape of an angel and heaven is, after ber has its wings illuminated life of many children who came into the world with a disability or learning difficulties.

Girls with muscles and bones re beauty who did not have enough oxygen for strength, children whose eyes, ears or negative bios ban to behave according to the timetable and standards pediatricians, small slit holes because of a syndrome, or kids with imagination and emotions inasi BLES, joyful life and work under my friend Marylou.
Marilú Ru bio was a teacher of children with pro learning problems.
I ba Marilú wheelchair, perfectly groomed, charming, as I remember, with small feet and big eyes, sweet and smooth, i bath all devastation sclerosis multiple was leaving his body, to share knowledge, to accompany their students on the wonderful journey of learning something new.
And so I have in mind the picture of that woman pretty-I first found out few days ago, died on January 24, 2011, after 20 years may have multiple sclerosis.
Personally, I am myself 28 years to meet with the disease, but my physical condition is kept constant. In recent years there has been received more damage in my body, I have blah or my cognitive functions. I still quadriplegic, dependent, slightly move a couple of fingers but I've definitely been strengthened some possibilities that I keep: my ca Beza remains upright, my diction improved, my appetite remains, but I'm much thinner than before and my mind is as ca ballo in canter.

appreciate the interest, I understand the fear, but I'm still here, and I've been going to many friends at his funeral I went with my esteemed colleague Gerardo, the very young Samuel li brated a brave fight against MS, friends My wife Ana and even some neighbors.
Sadly with my 3 co-Silvia AMEM deceased, Richard and Marylou, I was not physically present but my heart goes with them.
could not specify the age of Marilu (I'm sure it has flattered bria ) but he was much younger than me, and I met with his brother Ricardo thing 8 years ago or so, in one of the therapy sessions offered by the Mexican Association AMEM-MS en Tlalnepantla, Estado de Mexico.
Ricardo ba tam i also in a wheelchair, and am bos ban comes accompanied by his mother and Karla, Ricardo's carer. There were some people that I really enjoyed the company, each one had a chance to match.

In order that my dear friend Ricardo was ahead of his sister, he died last year. I do not know the date exact left the body, but in mid-August I found in my mail a message saying it has Marilú Bia died and although she coast much accept ba sa knew I now he's better.
I phoned and chatted a few minutes with Marilu. She said that she herself has been ill Bia and has heard violence, speak to some difficulty but in general I felt the peace that planned. After that I had no contact with her. Referrals sent me some news related to our disease and then nothing.
Until late January, from the account itself Marilu, I write Karla ceived the sad news.
Karla Ricardo was the caretaker for many years. It became part of the family. He was a friend, an accomplice and a dedicated caregiver. Ricardo's diet was respected to the letter by the determination of K.
remember an email that told me how Ricardo hates ba ba sa bor bananas (much as I sa -bia-ba likes the lemon water), but even against your taste, Karla gives ba banana.
And as a result of swallowing difficulties, with Richard a couple of years ago was placed a feeding tube for feeding, so she ate food from the probe via i ba banana. But that was not the hardest, said my friend, but after digestion for returns ba sa the edge to mouth do ble torment.

and his sister were for me an example of love, courage, will and this week tenance quiet often have who have lived without harm, without wishing evil to others.
Today, the brothers Ru bio are together again, for sure sharing games and jokes like when they were children, and has biéndonos left all who follow in the way a ble invalue teaching live each day with love and dedication, alongside our multiple sclerosis.
A the mother of my friends, his almost sister Karla, the rest of his family and all who had the happiness to know, I tell them it really hurts your game.
And I also take this opportunity to also say to those friends who have recently seen the death of a loved one (especially Fina, who lost his mother on Friday because of ALS), a nymph of Guadalajara, Ana de Saltillo, Jaco b St. Louis, Lupita in Cuernavaca, my colleague Yessi in Mexico City, and many more who now betray me memory, I say that the death of our loved ones is only a process in which we are ahead but we will reconvene.
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