endovascular therapy
has utility in MS
According to data presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Interventional Radiology, Endovascular treatment is effective in alleviating the symptoms of multiple sclerosis. The data are preliminary, but the goal is to continue with the work.
diariomedico - Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Know that angioplasty is safe may encourage the development of studies that evaluate its efficacy in patients with multiple sclerosis. Kenneth Mandate of the Department of Interventional Radiology Medical Center Albany, New York, presented at the XXXVI Annual Meeting of the Society of Interventional Radiology, which is being held in Chicago, a work that shows that it is a future option in this group patients.
complications were arrhythmias were detected in three patients and restenosis of the treated veins in four patients. All but two patients were discharged within three hours to complete the procedure.
Good results
Mandate is satisfied with the results, since it is a more data to evaluate the procedure in patients with neurological diseases. The idea is that if you get correct the stenosis and improve blood flow can reduce the severity of symptoms associated with multiple sclerosis.
At this meeting, the Society of Interventional Radiology has opted for endovascular treatment in patients with multiple sclerosis, as it has proven its efficiency cogeneration and security.
however, emphasized that angioplasty and stents not be considered as routine treatment in these patients, "although according to early results and is a promising technique, so you have to initiate studies with more patients to see if they reproduce the results obtained in this small group of patients, "added Mandate.
Future work will need to make a good selection of patients and a detailed technical analysis and prognosis after the procedure, in order to know if you get an improvement in symptoms and quality of life of subjects with multiple sclerosis, and the duration of the response.
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