IMAGE: Poster Day event
And I do extend an invitation to the entire community of people with MS to enjoy this free entry event, which begins at 10 am and ends at 2 pm .
I will be present at the event along with a group of people ZOE Association of Cuernavaca, but especially to accompany my wife Ana Silvia Barajas, who will have direct participation in the program.
activity INNN is coordinated in the area support groups and neuropsychology, who runs several years Dr. Yaneth Rodriguez Agudelo. The program is intensive, comprehensive and varied, with the intention that both patients and family members or caregivers, but also health professionals, learn more about living with multiple sclerosis.
In the multipurpose room at 10 o'clock, Dr. Jose de Jesus Flores, a welcome message will and will open the activity.

The tables are on the following topics:
RESPONSIBLE: Dr. Jorge Hernandez
OBJECTIVE: To promote awareness of the public about multiple sclerosis and their emotional and cognitive consequences
RESPONSIBLE : Yaneth Rodriguez -
SOCIAL WORK ACTIVITIES: Wall newspaper and projected photographs -
RESPONSIBLE: Marian Spinola - ZOE MS association
: Broadcast Video

11:25 photo projection that home visits made INNN
The INNN, led by Dr. Theresa Corona, who has a long history as a specialist treating MS, is a landmark health agency in our country: it emerge each year leading researchers and clinicians, but it is also an institution that provides high quality medical services in outpatient rehabilitation and hospitalization for people who do not have social security services and whose economy denies them access to private hospitals.
PHOTO: Main Entry INNN
11:45 Exhibition on Rehabilitation in MS
Rehabilitation is an indispensable part to be covered in the treatment of people with MS, because of the physical condition greatly depends on quality of life.
12:45 video projection of the pharmaceutical industry, and Yoga
specific medications used to treat MS were introduced in 1990 to the accelerated evolution. Steadily increasing supply of medicines and strengthening the research to find the best options, but the costs remain very high and inaccessible to most Mexican families.
The average monthly cost of specialty drugs for MS hovers around 2 000 500 USD.
is very important for the health sector of the Mexican government value the benefits that invest in these products are included in the basic drug long term because it is a very large profit, to avoid that young people have limited capacity for disease and retire early.
Regardless of the company that produces or distributes drugs for MS, they help people with MS have better quality of life, let's assets and represent a lower cost to the family economy, and in general to the economy our respective countries.
13:15 video projection "Living MS "
The video was provided by the English Federation to Fight Multiple Sclerosis, phellem, headed by our dear friend Pedro Carrascal.
was presented December 16, 2005, in the classroom Acts of the Ministry of Health in Madrid, the documentary produced by phellem "Living with Multiple Sclerosis."
13:45 Caregiver Experience
My wife, Ana Silvia became my caregiver when we started living together in 2005. I am a quadriplegic and I need help and care for all my activities and to meet needs physiological.
PHOTO: Mariano, Ana Silvia and I (November 2009)
Ana is also the mother of Mariano, who is now 7 years old. She, who studied journalism and communication sciences, had worked for 20 years in media and press offices and image, and even coordinated a children's culture. When I met her mother combined his duties with a few hours of class in the Universidad del Valle de Cuernavaca and advertising work in the agency creative synergy.
Today, Anne is devoted entirely to my care and Mariano, the home care, to chair the association ZOE and make social media work at the federation of EMMEX (Multiple Sclerosis Mexico, AC)
She has titled the talk that will occur in the INNN "I, Caregiver" , and frankly I do not know what I expect to hear, but knowing the passion that my wife has lived his life, no doubt it will be rewarding to witness their testimony of life with me, his testimony of life with multiple sclerosis.
14:10 gold clasp closure. Film Screening of World of MS, "Beautiful Day", with music by U2
------We look forward to having the presence of more people.

IMAGE: Sketch of the areas of INNN
The address is Avenida Insurgentes sur 3877, Col. La Fama, Tlalpan, Mexico DF 14269 · Tels ( 55) 5606 38 22 - 01 800 8321 825 - http://www.innn.salud.gob.mx/
And if you want to carpool from Cuernavaca, please send an email to eliwitz@hotmail.com with your contact information to tell hours. Thank you very much.
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