Although we did not we start a public activity or a cake, celebrate in the intimate family and had a nice surprise to open the correspondence: the president of the National Human Rights Commission, Raul Plascencia Villanueva, we sent a significant message of congratulations and encouragement, we appreciate because it makes us feel recognized and strengthened to keep fighting.
The story of my (our) organization dedicated to supporting people with multiple sclerosis (MS) in the state of Morelos, is long, and today I share with you and invite you to see the 5 of our video "The Power of Positive Thinking to the disease." In this video includes a selection of photographs showing the work of ZOE over three years.
When Anne and I met, I already had very advanced physical deterioration, my arms and my legs were paralyzed and needed help to meet all my needs and for any activity.
Anne and I became friends, first through messages via Internet, then by phone, and finally in person.
Multiple Sclerosis She knew only that it was an affectation ankylosing I had the image of paralysis, but no more. (Now he devotes several hours daily to study this issue and is awaiting news on the subject published around the world.)
Obviously, Ana was cautious to prevent the possible outcome of our contact, and told me that she was not sure of being able to have a loving relationship or future plans, because of my disability, "but with all So we decided to launch into the adventure of a couple. Soon, life was imposed on our own prejudices, and now we have five years of shared life.She is my best friend, my hands, my feet, my confidant, my lover, my companion, my caregiver, my counselor, and my worst enemy. She knows everything about me.
With her, I do a project that I had for many years to form a support group for people with MS. On January 15, 2007 I made public my desire-yet-defined structure and received many messages of support, but mainly I received a very special gift from my wife, she gave me her own dreams and gave me ZOE, which already had a own history.
Ana Silvia, shortly before 2000, when he had just finished his first marriage, was suddenly involved in several social projects, was a partner in an ecology project and community led by a Catholic priest. The project was called "Club Green Transforming Our Environment."At the same time, a renowned artist and teacher with extensive experience, Adrian Navarro Canedo, was embarking on an ambitious plan for using the arts as a means of preventing crime. The program is called "Art on the Street." Anna and Adrian had met in the mid 90's when my wife had to develop, complete and start the work of Children's Cultural Center "The Neighborhood" in Cuernavaca, a project funded by Conaculta and is supported by the State Government of Morelos.
-quantum matches Then they say, made it related to Ana Silvia Guadalupe Rodríguez Cobos, initiator and president of the Guadalupe Foundation, an educational project to support poor children.
But many things happened to close friends of my wife, who curiously did not know each other, and she was the only point of agreement. Lizbeth Cervantes de Anda, dear friend of mine and my wife's godmother Mariano, was maturing in those years the plan "Ghea" An integrative of respect for life from working with Mother Earth.The same friend plan ecological activist priest Luis Angel Nieto Jimenez, who incidentally appears in hundreds of references when I googled, Cuernavaca left to settle in Los Angeles, California, under the jurisdiction of the Archdiocese there, and the Parish of Our Lady of the Assumption in Claremont, where he was responsible for the Hispanic community, Luis Angel saw that young Catholics wanted to do something, work to help.
Formed by young Mexicans living or born in the U.S. but of Mexican children, and led by Suzanne Lopez and Misael Jimenez, the group had the desire to work for the rescue of cultural roots and the promotion of nationalistic values \u200b\u200bin bilingual children. And so the second day of 2000, Ana Silvia traveled invited to California to build a plan that would create a cultural center for children of immigrants, whose main goal was to rescue the language and Mexican culture, and a network linking of Morelos in California.All these things happened in life who is now my wife. But he also had concerns Ana spiritual development and so she joined the workshops of the Brahma Kumaris World, represented in Morelos by another good friend of my wife, Beatriz Sandoval, with whom he has been friends since they were girls. And Beatrice is also working for nonprofit human development.
Ana talked to his friends, discussing their progress and shared their progress in charity events that everyone did, and then the most logical thing was that she wove the network: he presented his friends with each other, encouraged them to see the matches . And she, in the middle of the group, consisting of a lesser or greater extent with every action, he became manager of support, an organizer of volunteers, seeking resources and to develop projects.The total project was in itself a project, very ecumenical very plural, very secular and very inclusive, became ZOE.
Zoe was (and remains), as stated in your letter, "a way", the way to get them to take action and support tasks were translated to human development in different fields: ecology, children, art education, human values, culture, employment for vulnerable groups, young people and spirituality.Zoe had an early life that was put into hibernation when Ana Silvia decided to be Mom. The work of former associations joined by Zoe continued and continue, some with the same scheme ago 10, and some advanced, but all continue. Ana
temporarily withdrew from the medium and Zoe became "a sleeping partnership."Mariano was born in 2002 and Ana Silvia began to live out their years of mom. While caring for her baby Ana, occupied a few hours a week teaching journalism at the Universidad del Valle de Cuernavaca, but still beating heart of ZOE, waiting, following the analogy, the "kiss" the wake.
In 2005, when we unite our roads, I said to Ana Silvia who wanted to be a civilian organization, and she said "I have already a but is in recess."
spent 14, 15 months, talking about our ideals, our desire to serve others, and it was obvious that ZOE was already tired of his dream. Woke up and then touched to serve one of the areas that had not worked: health. ZOE reborn
to engage in multiple sclerosis because it is what touches us directly, we live day to day and what we can bear witness "in the flesh."So, although strictly speaking the truth, ZOE is a little big girl, almost a teenager, turned 3 on May 5, 2010.
And obviously we hope to become old and leave offspring.We welcome this anniversary, we thank those who helped us achieve this and applaud all those who have followed their dreams, but especially hope that at some point, ZOE has touched the lives of others for good .
TEXT OF THE LETTER OF CONGRATULATIONS TO THE CNDH "2010, Year of the Fatherland. Top of the Bicentennial of Independence Centennial Home of the Revolution "CHAIR
Mexico City, May 5, 2010
C. Ana Silvia Barajas Vargas
President Zoe
Aid Association for People with Multiple Sclerosis *
and Tuberous Sclerosis and their families
in Morelos, AC
Dear Ana Silvia:
I send a warm congratulations to you and your team collaborators, to mark the anniversary of its organization.
take to express that safeguarding human rights is everyone's job, which involves a permanent work of public institutions and private citizens and Civil Society Organizations, to achieve the levels of welfare and development required by the Mexicans.
also invited her to continue this noble cause on behalf of human rights, which as we know, respect to them is the consolidation of a true culture of legality.
DR. Raul Plascencia Villanueva
* The original letter is read the word "tuberculosis"
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