Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Shani Mangal In Lagna

Zliten Misrata and prohibits entrance of the UN humanitarian mission to Deraa



Syria Syrian authorities banned the passage of members a UN humanitarian mission to the southern town of Dera, the scene of violent repression of protests, reported the spokesman for the agency, Farhan Haq.
"The UN delegation was unable to access Deraa to assess the humanitarian situation in the city. We try to know the reason for the ban on local authorities, "Haq told reporters. According
Haq, Syria does not comply with the previous agreement that authorized the entry of UN humanitarian missions in Deraa.
At the same time, the staff hoped that local authorities change their decision and allow the UN delegation to analyze the situation in the Syrian city.
Recently, Syrian human rights organizations and international more than once denounced the state of things in Deraa, where the Arab country's army used tanks and artillery to silence the voice of the opposition.
Today in Deraa recorded outages, telephone and other communications, while local hospitals can no longer serve more injured due to lack of vacancies.
Moreover, the official SANA news agency says the crash killed 70 civilians and over 80 soldiers and police. Old Condor

RIA Novosti (SIC)


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