Thursday, April 21, 2011

How Long After Bactrim Can I Drink Alcohol



Although multiple sclerosis (MS) is a common disease in industrialized countries and that there are associations, both national and provincial disease., has not paid much attention to the RMP (doctor-patient relationship).
The patient has to know their diagnosis, which involves being informed correctly by doctors from beginning.
Doctors sometimes avoid the communication and transmit only if the patient diagnosis question directly. The patient and his family have to be aware of every aspect of the disease to plan the future if necessary. However, those affected continue to complain and the limited information provided to them regarding the disease and how they are administered.
Regardless of the development and severity of the disease. the patient with MS always benefits with the help of a good RMP. Not only affects and changes the life of sick, but also the family and the couple. There are many situations in different stages of life to be found in MS patients:

1. Young people with MS who still live with their parents or who after independence returned to the parental home.

2. Young working age who develop MS, working with the attendant problems.

3. Young couples in which one of the two was diagnosed with MS.

To accommodate these situations and problems involving the patient and his family must be properly warned by their doctor about all medical and social aspects of the disease.
patient orientation on the new situation is a very difficult and important work, especially psychologically. Must be informed of the progress of the disease, the possibility of a benign but also of a possible progression, being able to see a situation doomed to remain in a wheelchair, or totally dependent on the family. ;
should also be focused on the possibilities of medical treatment, rehabilitation and care, with hospital neurologist and reference points which must be addressed if health problems arise.

is of utmost importance in the RMP that the neurologist knows anticipate possible emotional reactions after receiving the diagnosis of MS. If symptoms and signs of a first outbreak refer almost entirely affected the trend of the disease is considered as a passing episode and do not consider the personal future and work as a danger, do not give the value that should the possible symptoms to avoid altering the relationships in the environment or labor performance.
This attitude is in principle beneficial because it can not be further outbreaks or progression of the disease for months or years. It is essential that the neurologist stably maintain a relationship with the patient so that in case of relapse or progression tub can offer support based on an RMP (doctor-patient relationship) stable or assist in providing medical and psychological treatment .
Sometimes the reaction after the diagnosis knowledge is impressive and affected -Do nothing to think about the possible evolution of the disease, the potential for clustering, the possible occurrence of labor problems and social environment.

The RMP is considered to have an important role in the acceptance phase of the disease and adapt to it, being in phase get used to the disease, as the longer, which establishes a greater bond between the patient and the neurologist, and provides treatment and possible greater reliance on the patient's doctor, since the problems of everyday life will have a major impact on their lives.


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