Monday, December 14, 2009

Woodbury Outletmoncler

Anything goes!

With love and respect I share this brief but careful thought that has just arrived by mail in a message signed by Polo Zermeño, who lives with ALS.
And every day contagious to those around him with his strength and joy. Thank you, Polo.

Very simple ... ...

also uses tired, too is worth getting angry.
Finally, they use many things ...

What counts is not the time to stay negative, you still enjoy it ...
Once analyzed to enjoy .. how little or how much time has left us ...

Remember anything goes .... "

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Wedding Recetion Reply Card Samples In Spanish

I'm right ... I am human and there

I am the photo, next to the beautiful Reni de Boer, Netherlands she was crowned queen in 2007 as a beauty contest for women with disabilities.

PHOTO: Reni de Boer and Hector Garcia Caballero, in Chicago, during the Meeting of the International Committee of People with MS Multiple (November 2009)

December 10 Today is the International Day of Human Rights, but I'm not lecturing on the subject or pretend to discover the "black thread" and just tell them about my personal experiences.
Many people receive my emails and perhaps do not know why. Some perhaps this is the first time I found a message sender.

But I'm a real man with no intention of breaking into their mailboxes, and have always insisted that I do not advertise or strings:
in my blog write-aided My wife Ana Silvia-on topics or issues that move me to say or that are meaningful to me .

Continued ... and later explained why mention Mis (s) Reni in this post.

PHOTO: Reni and I, during a reception for delegates from 21 countries attended the meeting of the MSIF in Chicago.

Reni, who, with all due respect to her husband is distinctly beautiful, said while participating in the competition that she wanted to win because he had "something to say," and the title by which competed-and won-the became Miss Netherlands (Dis) Empowered and Ambassador spokesperson for people with disabilities during the year of his reign.

Now in its personal Web sites, it is presented as Speaker of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Photo: Illustrative image IFAT a stop sign.

I, for one, would not win a beauty contest, but I got (also in 2007) draw attention to the rights of persons with disabilities when the disability comes at an early age and lost opportunities as fundamental to humans as work, education, the right to health, family life and, of course, non-discrimination.

During a public consultation forum organized by the Human Rights Commission of the Federal District, was read my testimony, which spoke of my professional status with multiple sclerosis (EM), and how gradually my limbs were paralyzed since he was 20 years (now I have 46), to become totally dependent on a person physically and economically.

IMAGE: Mafalda speak to the world, says, "... to respect these rights, eh? Not going to happen as with the Ten Commandments! "

Despite having a college degree and my medical knowledge in my collection intact cognitive, I am unable to because Mexico is unlikely to exercise almost no facilities for people with disabilities have the quality of life to which we aspire.

this issue that led to a public forum allowed me to meet two men who are committed and determined to devote his work for the respect of human rights in Mexico: Emilio Alvarez Icaza Longoria and Ricardo Bucio Mujica. A two-

Ricardo Emilio and I want to mention in my blog in recent weeks, first by the appointment of president of the National Human Rights Commission and then the International Day of Disabled Persons (3 December) but only now comes the mention and I wish to publicly recognize and congratulate Ricardo Bucio on his recent appointment as president of Conapred (National Council to Prevent Discrimination.)

But back to the mention of Reni.

I was in Chicago from October 30 to November 5, 2009 to fulfill two tasks: participating in meetings Fall MSIF (Multiple Sclerosis International Federation) and the opening of the Meeting Leadership of the National MS Society (National Multiple Sclerosis Association in the U.S.).

Stand: Martin Stevens (England), Peer Baneke (MSIF CEO), Torben Damsgaard (Denmark), Ma Elena Moscoso (Cuba), Mario Battaglia (Italy), Allen O'Connor (Ireland), Ole Busck (Denmark), Nymph Monarres (Mexico), Antonello Moretti (Italy), Kent Andersson (Sweden), Daniel Bruni (France) André Lespérance (Canada), Ali Hijjawi (Palestine), Ellen Boyd (USA), Jim Wolfgang (Canada), Sarah Phillips (England).
Front: Margarita Ruiz (Cuba), Pia Marks (Germany), Hector Garcia (Mexico), Irene Jensen (Denmark), Guy De Vos and Charles van der Starter Waillet (Belgium), Karel Cablik Hrkal and Svatopluk (Czech Republic) .

The MSIF meetings, the first day of work was set aside to develop a workshop for people with MS in which one of the topics discussed was the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and in accordance with the original program, the speakers would be Reni de Boer and me.

IMAGE: Logo of the United Nations Organization (UNO)

I was really worried by this invitation that I was an honor but also a great responsibility, because my understanding and expression English when I'm in public get a little hazy. I am overwhelmed by stage fright and my voice starts to get low and pauses in breathing (just as the friend of Malcolm in the middle). And although it has happened to me when I speak English to a group, it was a fear that persisted since receiving the program. I could not confirm
my participation in Chicago (just warned about 10 days before the date) because they did not have the funding to cover the expenses ... and my participation as a speaker was canceled, though, thanks to generous contributions from two Mexican companies, yes I went to Chicago to meet a member of the Executive Committee.

PHOTO: Cartel de Mis (s) Reni, inviting you to visit the website

Saturday 31 October Reni Chicago made a brilliant exposition on the importance of fighting for respect for human rights of persons with disabilities.

From his position as Ambassador disabled, Reni has used the window that gave her beauty but wonderfully enhanced by the intelligence and charisma that has to attract attention and motivate the talk multiple sclerosis and human rights on the world stage.

found on the Internet a video dedicated to two neurological diseases: MS and Parkinson's disease, and to talk about life with MS includes a full report on the daily life and treatment Reni leading.

Although the video is in Dutch , the images speak for themselves and invite you to see, because I am confident that you will understand through empathy
surely have experienced many who have MS when see or hear from others living with an incurable but with profound respect for life.

In the video we get to know the life of Reni, who changed their field of study of a proprietary technique to study art and focus on writing, "we share images of your wedding and even their monthly visit to the hospital where you apply the medicine that has strengthened the legs and helps treat MS.

IMAGE: Dove with olive leaf in its beak, universal icon.

As a person with multiple sclerosis, people with disabilities, head of household, and many other roles in which I can identify fully convinces me the struggle for human rights respect and sympathy and it is continued pugno work towards them.

"Liberty, Equality, Fraternity", the highest French, I find more than adequate to be hoisted as a flag and fight those who live with an incurable disease and we have a better quality of life.

Thanks to those who follow my posts, who visit my blog, to whom I write.

awaiting answers I have emails, messages waiting to write, some very important even other painful or emotional, but little by little. I

A brief summary of pending posts, that I serve as a reminder and you know what I have in mind:

  • Again on Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) disease I do not suffer and that a previous message was in doubt but who does the suffering and in a few years has become a beloved companion is Faivel Polichuk, and he will dedicate the post about ALS.

And many outstanding:
IMAGE: Red Ribbon, a symbol of the fight against AIDS.
  • On the Day of the Fight against AIDS, a post dedicated to the Eudes Foundation, which makes a work of helping people with HIV, and in particular has supported me for a year with food supplements.

    Incidentally talk a little about a woman also amazing, Dr. Maria Eugenia Sordo and People to People, the organization that is a member.
  • On the International Women's Day, for those women living with multiple sclerosis, and in a special way for my mother Ana Maria, from another country has given us a very valuable gift and spiritual she became a volunteer for an association to help people with disabilities, "to support other, symbolically supporting me.
  • For gub supports people ernamentales with disabilities who wish to undertake a production project, pending the text entitled "The Czar of the custard."
PHOTO: Ruben Hernandez, president and founder of UDLA, (center of the group, red sweater), and next, my mother Ana Maria (short hair, denim jacket) along with other members UDLA and volunteers.
  • On the Day of Persons with Disabilities, will discuss UDLA, the Union of Disabled Latin Americans and their participation in the Los Angeles Marathon.
  • on national and regional meetings of multiple sclerosis.
  • On the details of my marriage.
  • On those who are gone, this year has been particularly hard on those issues.
  • For my 46th birthday and the story of my tree.
PHOTO: Picture alluding to Thanksgiving Day.
  • And many dates, but a special Day Thanksgiving thank you for everything.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Fréquence De Channel De Sport

Affected Platform ELA is conducting a campaign of visibility of this disease: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)

The Why this campaign: "What is not, not exist."

ALS, outside medical circles, is a disease unknown to society. Not for Multiple Sclerosis, thanks to good work of the Associations of Sick, who more or less who ever heard of it.

However, ALS is about as frequent as the disease, but remains "hidden" as one of those "rare diseases."

"What is the difference? That patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) can live for many years and we die soon." Says the note published this day in the Digital Journal Henares.


http://www MORE INFORMATION . /

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

10/22 Aluminum Bullpup Stock

ALS MS in focus 14, Spanish version

is now available on the web to download the magazine number 14 MS in focus, published by the MSIF (Multiple Sclerosis International Federation).

IMAGE: home MS in focus number 14
the PDF file and refer to electronic mode or print on paper and share it with those who do not have access to the Internet.

printing editing
MS in focus circulates only in English, and is delivered by mail throughout the world, but the electronic version when produced in different languages.

At the last meeting and workshop of the International Committee People with MS who had in Chicago on October 31, we request you consider printing the magazine in English and is mailed to English-speaking countries.

In Latin America need to know more about multiple sclerosis and MS
in focus is a major effort by the MSIF to make this possible.

at number 14, devoted to the types of multiple sclerosis, you will find:
  • Introduction to the types of MS disease
  • relapsing-remitting MS
  • primary progressive MS
  • progressive MS secondary
  • Extreme cases of MS: benign and aggressive forms
  • clinically isolated syndrome
  • Answers
  • Poll Results
  • Help for people newly diagnosed
  • Interview with James West

-------------------- English
The number of MS in focus 14 , the disease courses in MS, is now available. Click here to download the file:
The contents of MS in focus is based on the knowledge and experience. The publisher and authors are striving to provide current and relevant. Maybe the opinions and ideas expressed do not match those of the MSIF. The information provided by MS in focus is not intended to substitute for the advice, prescriptions or recommendations from doctors or other health care. For specific information and personalized, consult your health care service. MSIF does not approve, endorse or recommend any specific product or service, but provides information to help people take their own decisions.
The next issue of MS in focus will be on complementary and alternative therapies for MS.

Back issues are available printed or downloaded from the website of MSIF.
    • No. 1 How to combat fatigue
    • No. 2 Special: How to combat bladder problems
    • No. 3 edition devoted to the family
    • No. 4 Aspects emotional and cognitive
    • No. 5 Healthy Living
    • No. 6 Intimacy and Sexuality
    • No. 7 Rehabilitation
    • No. 8 Genetics and inheritance of MS
    • No. 9 EM and care
    • No. 10 Pain and MS
    • No. 11 Stem cells and Remyelination in MS
    • No. 12 Spasticity in MS
    • No. 13 Tremor and ataxia in MS
Hope you like the magazine

MVZ Hector M. García Caballero

Executive Committee Member and Representative of Mexico to the International Committee
of People with Multiple Sclerosis (PwMSIC / MSIF) Multiple Sclerosis International Federation


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Shoulder Pain After Laproscopic

Redefining the course of multiple sclerosis

I asked a person he few hours, what's new in the treatment of multiple sclerosis.

And just want to publish an invitation to a symposium to discuss developments in treatment, and importance of adhering to medical indications.

IMAGE: Zoe invitation for the sake of symposium "Redefining the course of MS."

On Saturday November 28, 2009, the Hotel María Isabel Sheraton (Paseo de la Reforma 325, Col. Cuauhtémoc, Mexico City) will be held the symposium "Redefining the Course of Multiple Sclerosis" .

is an open event at no cost, only need to confirm attendance.

And for those who wish to attend from Cuernavaca, the organizer shall provide transportation for our association FOR LOVE ZOE.

The lectures will be conducted by specialists Carlos Cuevas Garcia, chief of Neurology, Hospital de Especialidades, National Medical Center "Siglo XXI", José de Jesús Flores Rivera, the Multiple Sclerosis Clinic of the National Institute Neurology and Neurosurgery, and Leonardo López Llamas, Neurology Service the ISSSTE Guadalajara, Jalisco.

The event, organized by Stendhal Symposia, lasts all day: the first part are presentations at medical and question and answer session.

IMAGE: Agenda of 28 November 2009, Symposia programmed by Stendhal.

then offered a box lunch to the attendees, and the afternoon will be two workshops: one on nutrition and the second called "laughter yoga."

"Laughter Yoga" is a workshop facilitated by a person with MS, Karla Oseguera, who has worked this activity in previous symposia in Zacatecas, Guadalajara and Campeche.

We will be happy to find there friends and family members, caregivers.

But ... What's new for
treat multiple sclerosis?

I think it's a common question in those who live with MS or who are close to us.

I have also received messages with the doubt if I know someone-data in the world has recovered from multiple sclerosis.

PHOTO: Questions and answers on the Third National Multiple Sclerosis 2008.

And no, I know someone who reliably been removed from your body all symptoms caused by MS, although there may be remyelination or reverse some damage but that it disappeared and multiple sclerosis, no.

Questions like: What could I have done that provoked me MS? Have I been a warning I ignored? Could I have prevented it? "I do not care enough? And a long list of questions my thoughts were about the early years of the disease, but the most pressing concern was that I be able to recover?

When my diagnosis in 1989-after six years after the first outbreak had sent me one month to the hospital, there were no specific drugs to treat multiple sclerosis, and then in the 90s to get to Mexico Interferon Beta, expectations were almost sensed it was not really secure the future.

The boom beta interferon

In the 90's, through patient associations (there were many) was sought "to encourage "people to accept or request the application of interferon in treatment.

And told me a doctor who was diagnosed nearly 30 years ago, he could have chosen to inject interferon beta, but decided against it.

PHOTO: Patients, family members, caregivers and health professionals at a conference.

More than 15 years later, this person, whose only sequel obvious is the need to use a cane to walk, agreed to try the treatment, but ... He believes that the side effects were much more annoying than the overall state where he has lived all these years. Decided to discontinue the injections after one month trial.

Cases like this have read and heard many: people who stop or not followed to the letter, or simply do not believe in it, people may have periods of stability or improvement temporary and believe that drugs would not have done differently during the course of the disease.

I differ on these findings, and instead-or overestimated appreciate being informed of the medications available to treat multiple sclerosis.

Why have I taken pharmacology!

I am interested because I want to know what I'm putting in my body, which is expected to do in my body, how long and with what chances of success.

professional bias may seem (I get natural terms like "dose" or "pharmacopoeia" and "pharmacokinetics"), but in the end but did not use such long words, the point is that I know everything about medicines can help my condition.

PHOTO: Commercial Exhibition Area at the Fourth National Multiple Sclerosis 2009.

And if a new product on the market, even if it is not recommended in my personal condition, secondary progressive MS with 26 years of evolution, "I know all the information.

the pharmaceutical and medical marketers, know this, and people with multiple sclerosis, we facilitate learning: it is common to receive invitations to breakfasts, lectures, presentations as specialized neurologists and / or researchers answer our questions related to MS and its treatments.

is valuable for people with MS receive this information, learn and build knowledge.

Scientific Research and the pharmaceutical industry

One of the global efforts in the fight against MS is to promote medical research and work tirelessly to find the cause etiologic and cure, but in that interval that science requires, must obviously improved therapeutic options.

IMAGE: Cartel "Redefining the course of MS."

The Multiple Sclerosis International Federation (MSIF), whose international committee of people with MS I am part, has programs and activities designed to promote, monitor and disseminate research advances and protocols related to multiple sclerosis.

care that requires a person with MS is integral, physical rehabilitation, psychological support, nutrition, behavior change and adaptation of activities, but the quality of life is to combine all that with specialized medical treatment. The neurological consultation and medication (pharmaceutical) indicated to treat multiple sclerosis, have shown positive results provide a better life expectancy.

The transnational corporations involved in drugs, investing millions in developing specific drugs for multiple sclerosis, and in 20 years we have seen the growth of a range of options that began with the onset of interferon beta.

followed Glatiramer acetate, whose use has spread and become popular in many countries, but now there are new and better? alternatives for Neurologists doctors prescribe to their patients.

And while the Beta Interferon and Glatiramer Acetate have shown effectiveness in a 30 percent relapse, monoclonal antibodies, which have passed testing and approval in several countries reported 68 percent reduction of relapses.

PHOTO: rehabilitation workshop during the National Meeting in Puebla.

Data cold statistics result can mean something to some people, others may not say anything or even feel like they know these figures,

but ...

if these comments and explains the points directly to a specialist who has experience treating patients with credits in the area of \u200b\u200bmultiple sclerosis, and having investigated the matter, the result is definitely more useful.

have access to first hand information and state our concerns, which does not express time-consultation, get answers and learn about our disease, it is always good.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

What Does Pierced Nipple Mean?

IV National Multiple Sclerosis Meeting 2009

Piece of heaven Earth
Puebla ... that's my pretty ...
... this is my holy land ...

Angels Heavenly streets laid out the city of Puebla, the legend.

PHOTO: Catedral de Puebla de los Angeles

With masterly design of wide, straight roads orientated North to South and East to west, just "as God commands," was drawn level
almost 500 years. Ethereal strings attached by hand became the winged messengers surveyors working.

But the perfect design of the streets Puebla is not everything, "Dona Maria", the bell of the Cathedral, said to have been uploaded to the very high domes since 1732 angels and chimes in top of the temple.

Of the divine presence is that the fair was named Puebla de los Angeles .

PHOTO: Presidente Intercontinental, headquarters of the IV National Multiple Sclerosis Meeting

Also known as "Angelópolis" this capital located just over one hour from Mexico City will host the Fourth Meeting National Multiple Sclerosis "in Puebla, hand in hand", from 2 to 4 October 2009.

A gathering of friends

During the first weekend of October at the Presidente Intercontinental hotel, we met people with multiple sclerosis (MS), family, friends, caregivers, volunteers, nurses and physicians to share and learn more about what it means to live with MS.

PHOTO: Talavera

From Friday at noon is expected to start arriving people from all over Mexico, and even some other countries, for this fraternal meeting and learning that
2009 corresponded to organize the Multiple Sclerosis Association Puebla de los Angeles (EMPA).

MS Puebla de los Angeles

diligently led by Mave Hernandez, Rosie's sister and caregiver, which has MS for 30 years, clustering EMPA is credited a good resume service and support to people with MS in the state of Puebla and surrounding cities.

As part of the federation Multiple Sclerosis Mexico AC (EMMEX), which groups the civilian relief organizations in MS cases across the country, the association president Mave was elected to be responsible for organizing in your town the Fourth National Meeting.

PHOTO: Pool at the Hotel Presidente Intercontinental Puebla

Under the motto "In town, next to the Hand" extends the invitation to anyone interested in listening to lectures, participate in workshops and live for Friday, Saturday and Sunday, in which specialists neurologists, psychologists, physiotherapists, ophthalmologists and otolaryngologists, will discuss implications and treatment of MS in their areas of expertise.

from all of Mexico, is expected to hundreds of attendees

The Fourth Meeting of Multiple Sclerosis, directed basically to people with MS is part of the efforts made in Mexico EMMEX to promote a better quality of life.

first home in 2006 This traditional gathering of multiple sclerosis was the colonial city of Zacatecas to the north of the country, and then in 2007 came together in central Mexico in Mexico City, capital of the nation, and last year, 2008 The venue was the "Pearl of the West" Guadalajara, the birthplace of mariachi and tequila.

PHOTO: typical dishes from Puebla kitchen

But 2009 promises to be a unforgettable experience Puebla, located east of the Federal District, is one of the 32 states of Mexico, and has distinguished itself as a region rich in history, tradition and distinguished cuisine.

The capital, Puebla de los Angeles-host the Fourth Meeting, has a beautiful historic center and has been declared a World Heritage Site.

coexistence activities

On the social side of the work program of the Fourth National Multiple Sclerosis Meeting included a tour Optional Puebla attractive sites.

For an additional payment to the registration, you can visit places that their identity and style characteristics were chosen as the scene of the movie "Arráncame Life , based on the work of writer Angeles Mastretta Puebla, which portrays in his novel Life of Catherine, played by Ana Claudia Talancon beautiful-in the traditional patriarchal society of Puebla in 1930.

PHOTO: Hotel Holiday Inn Express Puebla

And if you want to explore the corners of Puebla in a more spontaneous, have a couple of hours in the afternoon / evening of Saturday, or Sunday morning, before handing hotel room one in the afternoon, to hear the host city.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Put Pokemon On Blackberry

What we say

so clear and so true, in our hands to build and strengthen self-esteem of our children, but not just about tell you how much we love him, but also demonstrated by our actions.

That which we
Laura Gutman - Newsletter September 2009

Children believe in parents. When I say over and over that they are sorcerers, who are the princes and princesses of the house, are handsome, smart, intelligent and funny, become that which we say they are. By contrast, when we tell them they are fools, liars, bad, selfish or distracted, obviously responding to the mandates and act as such. That, or parents who take care of raising- say, constitutes the most solid child's identity.

Children have more virtues than others. However, the child looked insufficiently , pampered, and taken into account bespoken by their parents, give greater credence to their disabilities. And suffer. Instead, the child looked at and admired by his parents, loved by loving acts everyday, will have a self-confidence that will allow erected on its greatest virtues and laugh while their difficulties.

If we realize that our children suffer, if they have low self-esteem if they are ashamed, if you feel bad athletes, poor students, or do not fall short of the circumstances, if they can not talk, socialize, play with others, if assumed to be slow, or are victims of ridicule from their peers, for us to drive for them right now . The worst thing we could do is required to bear alone problems.

We can name those virtues, resources or skills that child does have as an individual. For example, a child who always tells the truth. That would never betray a friend. That is incapable of hurting another. He observes and understands the suffering. That is generous and tolerant. Tell the children that are beautiful, loved, welcomed, adored, noble, beautiful, who are the light of our eyes and the joy of our heart and generates children safe, happy and wise. It is possible that the pretty words do not appear in our vocabulary, because we have never heard in our childhood . In that case, we have to learn. If we do this work now, our children, to become parents, will not have to take this lesson. Arise because of his heart quite naturally, the most beautiful words and phrases most rewarding for their children. And these strings of words of love be perpetuated for generations, without which our grandchildren and great repair them because they will make part of their way to be genuine. Consider it an investment in the future with zero risk. From now on ... just words of love for our children! Yell to the wind that we love to heaven. And higher still. And more and more.

Extract from an article book Women visible, invisible mothers "by Laura Gutman

Monday, August 31, 2009

Example Dance School Letter

Seminar with Laura Gutman November 2009

Seminar with Laura Gutman
personal helplessness to collective violence
21 and November 22, 2009 Guadalajara, Mexico

Aimed at teachers, educators, doctors, social workers, midwives
, doulas, nurses, politicians, thinkers,
parents and mothers, and anyone who wishes to contribute to organize a kinder world. Letter

Laura Gutman

Many Mexican men and women communicate with me via internet, in search of greater understanding, relief, search and question deep in relation to our daily problems. Unfortunately my books have had so far, good distribution in Mexico. However, interest among Mexicans has increased. I will be in Guadalajara in November 2009, thanks to the efficient and caring Gabriela Rivera, I trust the whole organization of the event. I suggest everyone to try, as far as possible, reading my books (purchased on the Internet for example) so we can all take better advantage of two days we will share together, and be able to organize an independent thought, free and creative.

We will do a great effort to meet, and I know it will be helpful. We're seeing

Program Duration: 14 hours
Saturday November 21, 2009
Morning session: 09:00 to 14:00
Afternoon session: From 16:00 to 19:00

* Helplessness in early childhood.

* Births mistreated. Babies unattended.

* Dynamics of human survival: active violence. Passive violence.

* diseases. Addictions. Emotional abuse. Family secrets.

* Other dynamic emotional rescue. The inability to share emotional territories. Selfishness. The displacement of unmet basic needs in the past. The inability to understand others.

* Adults in emotional war against children and adolescents. This strange habit of wanting to be right.

* Violence domestic violence, school violence, urban violence, violence between nations, just a matter of scale.

* comprehensive look at personal violence invisible and resources to address them from the conscious self

Sunday November 22, 2009
Morning session: 09:00 to 13:00 Afternoon Session
: From 15:00 to 17 pm Agenda

What can we do?

* Possible Approaches: Training in the construction of human biography.

* The importance of early links and global understanding.

* Learning to ask the right questions. Learn to listen. Learn how to disarm the discourse of "I cheated."

* Accompany staff understanding processes. Bringing the voice of another. Bring the voice of children.

* Occupy the role of devil's advocate. Learning to share emotional territories.

* Support. Hold. Be available. Putting words unsaid. Side without judging or advising.

* Helping the maturity of each other.

* Work with adults. Working with children.

* Specific proposals to exercise our family and professional roles in favor of peace.

Venue: Auditorium

English College Hill. Hector Berlioz
No. 4783,
corner with Manuel J. Clouthier. Residential
Cordilleras. (Near the roundabout Cubes)

For more information view

Note blog.

A group discount of 10 persons, the Df if anyone wants to come, we leave an email to contact and try to save a little, as there are group discounts

simplemente.mama @

-------- thanks for subscribing

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Wedding, Sayings For Koozies

Podcast attachment parenting and breastfeeding in coffee on the balcony

I make a cordial invitation to stop by the blog coffee on the balcony and listen to the podcast No 52, where Lety Jimenez of creating Raising and I am his servant, we were talking a little attachment parenting and breastfeeding.

problemitas A little technical but eventually achieved the objective.

Here is the link

We welcome your comments!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Pressure Points Above On The Ankle


Very few know the reason that I chose the first week of August to mark the World Breastfeeding week, so I gave myself the task of seeking Innocenti Declaration, which was signed around the year 1990 and just the first week of August , for the same year after year, WABA and other organizations that support breastfeeding , commemorate and dedicate at this time.

share with you the statement and its rationale.


The protection, promotion and support of breastfeeding

WHO / UNICEF - 1990

Statement Innocenti was developed and approved by the participants in the joint WHO / UNICEF policy makers on "Breastfeeding in the 1990s: a global initiative, sponsored by the United States Agency for International Development (AID ) and the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA), held at the Spedale degli lnnocenti in Florence (Italy) from July 30 to August 1, 1990. The Declaration reflects the content of the original background paper prepared for the meeting and the consensus opinions expressed in the plenary sessions.


that breastfeeding is a unique process:

· Provides ideal nutrition to infants and contributes to healthy growth and development.

Reduces the incidence and severity of infectious disease, reducing morbidity and mortality.

Promotes women's health by reducing the risk of breast and ovarian cancer, and to increase the interval between pregnancies.

· Provides social and economic benefits to the family and the nation.

· Provides most women a sense of satisfaction when successfully carried out.

And recent research has pinpointed:

• That these benefits increase when the infant is breastfed exclusively (without giving any other food, liquid or solid, feeding frequently and without constraints) during the first six months of life and then proceeds to an extended period breastfeeding combined with complementary feeding.

degrees and program interventions can result in positive changes in breastfeeding practices. DECLARE


That global goal for optimal health and nutrition of mothers and children, all women should be able to exclusively breastfeed their children and all infants should be exclusively breastfed from birth to six months.

Thereafter, infants should still be breastfed while receiving appropriate complementary foods in sufficient quantities, up to two years of age or older. This child-feeding ideal is to be achieved by creating an appropriate atmosphere of awareness and support for women to carry it out.

Achieving this goal requires, in many countries, reinforcing the "breastfeeding culture" and vigorously defend the "culture of the bottle." This requires commitment and support for social mobilization, maximizing the prestige and authority of acknowledged leaders of society in all its sectors.

should be made to increase women's confidence in their ability to breastfeed. Give them that confidence requires removing constraints and influences that manipulate perceptions and behavior in terms of breastfeeding, often by subtle and indirect means.

This requires sensitivity, continued vigilance and quick communication strategy and comprehensive covering all media and targeted at all levels of society. Furthermore, should remove obstacles to breastfeeding that rise in the health system, the workplace and the community.

measures must be taken to ensure that women receive adequate food to enable them to achieve optimal health for themselves and their families. In addition, all women should have access to information and services for family planning that allows them to sustain breastfeeding and avoid shortened birth intervals that threaten both their health and nutritional status and that of their children.

All governments should develop national breastfeeding policies and set appropriate national targets for the decade of 1990. Governments should establish a national system for assessing the achievement of their objectives and develop indicators such as the proportion of infants exclusively breastfed when discharged from the maternity services and the proportion of infants exclusively breastfed at four months old.

are further encouraged national authorities to integrate their breastfeeding policies with general health policies and development.

In doing so, they should reinforce all the measures that protect, promote and support breastfeeding with complementary programs such as prenatal and perinatal care, nutrition, family planning and prevention and treatment of common diseases mother and child. All health personnel should have training necessary to implement these policies on breastfeeding. OPERATIONAL GOALS

the year 1995 all governments will:

° it appointed a national breastfeeding coordinator who has the appropriate authority and established a multisectoral breastfeeding committee composed of representatives of governmental departments and associations of health professionals.

• Ensure that every facility providing maternity services fully practices all Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding displayed in the joint WHO / UNICEF (Geneva, 1989) entitled "Protecting, promoting and supporting breastfeeding: the special role of maternity services."

° it taken steps to implement the principles and objectives of all Articles of the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes and subsequent relevant resolutions of the World Health Assembly in its entirety.

° it approved imaginative legislation protecting the breastfeeding rights of working women and establishing means to implement them.

We also urge international organizations to:

· Build strategies for action to protect, promote and support breastfeeding, including monitoring and evaluation of their global strategies.

• Support the analysis and national surveys on the situation of breastfeeding and the development of goals and objectives.

• To encourage and support national authorities in the task of planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating their breastfeeding policies. -------- Thanks for subscribing

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Saying For Elmo Invitations

World Breastfeeding Week 2009

global week of breastfeeding is the most widespread social movement in defense of breastfeeding. It is celebrated in 120 countries, from 1 to 7 August, the anniversary of the Innocenti Declaration, signed by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) in August 1990

This year is the central theme

Strengthen the vital role that breastfeeding plays
response to emergencies worldwide.

  • active advocate for the protection and support of breastfeeding, before and during emergencies. Inform
  • Mothers-as defenders of Breastfeeding Communities Health staff, Governments, humanitarian agencies, Donors, Media and others on how they can actively support breastfeeding, before and during emergencies.
  • develop collaborative actions and create networks of support among those who have experience in managing breastfeeding individuals and organizations involved in emergency response.

No place is immune from emergencies. These can occur anywhere in the world. In an earthquake or conflict, flood or pandemic flu, the story is always the same: Breastfeeding saves lives.
During emergencies, "as infants, children and young girls are particularly vulnerable to malnutrition, disease and death (1).
Experience shows the following facts:

  • infant mortality rates published for less than a year in emergency situations are much higher ordinarily, having a range from 12 to 53%.
  • large programs in therapeutic feeding in 2005 in Nigeria, 95% of 43.529 cases of malnutrition admitted to therapeutic foster care, were children under 2 years. (2)
  • In a feeding program treatment in Afghanistan, the mortality rate was 17.2% among Infants under 6 months admitted for therapeutic care (3).
  • During the first three months of the conflict in Guinea Bissau in 1998, the mortality rate among children of 9-20 months are not breastfed was 6 times higher than those of the same age who are breastfed. (4)

1. WHO and UNICEF. Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding.
2003, Geneva: World Health Organization.
2. Isabelle Defourny, Emmanuel Drouhin, Mego Terzian, Mercedes Tatay, Johanne Sekkenes
and Milton Tectonidis. Scaling up the treatment of acute childhood malnutrition in Niger.
Field Exchange. 2006. 28:3.
3. Golden M. Comment on including infants in nutrition surveys: experiences of ACF in Kabul
City. Field Exchange. 2000. 9:16-17.
4. Jacobsen. M et al. Breastfeeding status as a predictor of mortality among refugee children
in an emergency situation in Guinea-Bissau. Tropical Medicine and International Health,
2003. volume 8, no 11, pp 992-996.

Over the next week, little by little publishes information, and links to downloads of the PDF, distributed by Waba for the dissemination of the central theme of this week's World Breastfeeding 2009