Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Eswhat Does High Esr Mean?

accuse Washington of violating international law megayacimiento

One of the sons of al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden accused Washington of violating the basic principles of international law by killing his father while he was unarmed and running to their families. The son of the "world's most wanted terrorist" Omar Bin Laden accused U.S. authorities of "violating international law" and rejected the presumption of innocence and the right to a fair trial. In his statement sent to the New York Times, Omar called on U.S. authorities why their father was not arrested and tried before a court for peoples of the world know the truth. " The newspaper writes that Omar, 30, the fourth child of bin Laden, has always condemned the activities of his father and asked to avoid casualties among civilians. Earlier, the Iranian Minister of Intelligence, Heidar Moslehi said that Bin Laden died of disease before the U.S. performed the operation in Pakistan, as Washington refused to show his body and threw it into the sea. Press repeatedly had reported the death of Bin Laden . Thus, the September 23, 2006 Est Republicain French newspaper quoted a secret report by French intelligence, reported that the Al Qaeda leader died of typhus shortly after information was denied by foreign governments. In 2007, shortly before his death, the Pakistani prime minister, Benazir Bhutto, reported on the death of Bin Laden.

RIA Novosti old Condor (SIC)


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