Monday, May 9, 2011

Groping Special Vedeoin Bus

A team of Macarena Hospital

of Seville, identified two genes

involved in the onset of


A research team at the Hospital Universitario Virgen Macarena in Seville, led by neurologist Guillermo Izquierdo, has managed to identify two genes that are involved in the development of Multiple Sclerosis (MS), a neurodegenerative disease that occurs when myelin (the substance that lines nerve fibers) is damaged.

In fact, it is believed that there is a genetic predisposition for developing this disease, but combined with some outside agent that triggers further a body's own immune response that damages the myelin.

Speaking to Europa Press, Izquierdo has detailed his research group has managed to find now, through a study that has involved 300 patients with MS, "two genes are clearly involved in the development of this disease and a third gene that may be, too. "

also stressed that the two genes associated with MS now" have to do with immunity, that is, we're talking about genes which are very logic that are involved in MS. "To that end, the company has received Seville Neocodex biomedicine, which has one of the most comprehensive platform for genomics research in Spain.

" With Neocodex support we have managed to make a GWAS, ie a crawl or complete genomic mapping of all patients who have a disease and compared it with other genes population (healthy) ", detailed the specialist in the field of MS, who has clarified that" although this and so have many other researchers before, "the difference now is that" our 300 patients are very well phenotyped, it is say, we know who have MS and so we had more returns in the study. "

" These results as good answer probably because we used very clear cases of patients with MS and we have used a bookmark very important and that is almost specific to the disease, such as the presence of oligoclonal bands in cerebrospinal fluid, has deepened.


As he explained to Europa Press Left, the more genes are known to be involved in the development of MS will be closer to developing a genetic test to predict disease even before getting it. "

"It is almost certain that MS is genetically inherited by the association of different genes that match a patient, hence at any given time algorithm can find a study to analyze not a gene or two, but 200, 300 or those found found that allow us to forecast the possibility of more than 90 percent if a person will suffer from MS or not. "

Izquierdo has also advanced with plans to conduct another study of the type also with 300 other patients, but have yet to find financing, "as they are expensive investigations." In fact, emphasized that the study has now decode these two genes "have had to invest 200,000 euros, which we paid we were awarded two grants to public institutions."

For this second study they want to make, has advanced with the same try to analyze other genes involved in MS and to study the association of genes.
"We will consider pairs of genes, considering that four million genes studied in each patient about now when studying couples and combinations will be more millions."

Izquierdo confident that within five years, and especially with the development of studies being conducted in the U.S., may have such genetic testing. "That is, a chip that a doctor can predict what percentage of a person suffering from a MS throughout its life, even what you might say at birth," he underlined.


When that stage is reached, ie when you know all the genes involved in MS "may be used as therapeutic targets." On the other hand, Left Europa Press has confirmed that a private equity group is interested in developing a Translational institute disused areas of the San Lazaro Hospital in Seville, "in which research would be aimed at these patients," according to published Monday the newspaper Diario de Sevilla.

"It would be a center that would be all together, research and care to these patients," early this expert, who also added that, although this use would authorize the SAS, "no problem of funding, and that (research group) we can get."

He has argued that the inclusion of such facilities would get revitalize the San Lazaro Hospital. "It is a magnificent hospital is coming down, that's why we want to let us do in the ruins of the convent a research center that would research to patients.

" Hospital San Lazaro is the center of the world's oldest continuous support, something that few people know, and that is invaluable, "continued the expert, who has argued that the project would also serve to revitalize the hospital.

As he advanced, would be a research center specializing in neuroscience, mainly MS and other diseases neurodegenerative (Alzheimer, Parkinson and rare neurological disorders such as ataxias).


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